57 pages 1 hour read

Ken Follett

Eye of the Needle

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1978

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Part 6-EpilogueChapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 6, Chapter 31 Summary

Lucy wakes the next morning and is upset when Jo sees Lucy and Faber in bed together. Faber insists that Lucy should not feel guilty. They dress and go downstairs for breakfast. Jo asks if his father is dead, and Faber denies it. Faber tells Lucy that she should not worry about what David thinks. Faber decides to go to Tom’s and retrieve David. When Faber is gone, Lucy decides to go for a walk to clear her head. While walking near the cliff, she spots an oilskin floating in the water. She sees that the oilskin is not empty. She goes to look closer, carrying Jo as she goes. When she is close enough, she can see the man is David. Realizing there is nothing she can do, she goes back to the cottage with Jo. The jeep is parked outside. Faber greets them by announcing that David has decided to stay with Tom another day. Lucy takes Jo back outside to the jeep, but Faber follows. Lucy claims she is only planning on putting the jeep away, but when she does, she leaves the garage door open.

Part 6, Chapter 32 Summary

A British naval ship settles off the coast of Storm Island. The captain instructs his first mate to keep an eye out for a U-boat. He also tells them they will send a launch party to the island as soon as the storm ends. They also attempt to contact the wireless transmitter on the island, but do not get a response. At the same time, the crew of a Coastguard cutter are below decks discussing the reason they are about to travel to Storm Island. One man bets the others that they are looking for an escaped prisoner of war. The leader of an air force squadron instructs his men that they are to fly in formation over Storm Island and look for a U-boat. Bloggs is introduced to the pilot who will fly him to Storm Island as soon as the storm ends. Percy and Terry review the ships and planes they’ve sent to Storm Island, deciding they’ve done all they can.

Part 6, Chapter 33 Summary

Lucy busies herself with chores, making lunch for herself, Jo, and Faber. She sneaks one of David’s sleeping pills and cuts it in half to give to Jo. After lunch, she gives Jo a book and sends him to bed while she shares a cup of coffee with Faber. Once Jo is asleep, she takes Faber upstairs and becomes intimate with him. Afterward, she says she wants a cup of tea and goes down to the kitchen. There, she dresses quickly in clothing she previously stashed there, then gets Jo. She rushes out to the garage and drives away as Faber comes to the door. Faber chases after them, grabbing onto the jeep. Lucy pokes him in the eye to force him off.

Lucy is halfway across the island when the jeep runs out of gas. There is a gas can in the jeep and she goes to fill it, but then decides to use it to sabotage the jeep, hoping Faber will attempt to start the jeep and blow himself up. She walks the rest of the way to Tom’s cottage. When she goes inside, she finds Tom dead upstairs. She goes into the bedroom to use the wireless radio transmitter but doesn’t know how. She does manage to send an SOS with morse code. Faber arrives in the jeep, clearly having figured out the sabotage.

Part 6, Chapter 34 Summary

Lucy’s SOS was heard by a RAF corvette, an MI8 listening post, the Coastguard cutter, and the German U-boat. Percy is informed about the SOS, and this confirms to him that Faber is on the island. He calls Bloggs to let him know.

Part 6, Chapter 35 Summary

Lucy confronts Faber through the window, telling him to back off or she’ll shoot him. Faber tries to convince her they love each other. Lucy fires over his head and Faber retreats to the jeep, driving away. Lucy reloads both Tom and David’s shotguns, nails the windows closed, and nails wood braces on the doors. She returns to the transmitter and repeats her SOS call. She studies the transmitter and tries to figure out how it works. The dog begins to bark, distracting her. She goes downstairs and walks around the house. Faber talks to her, trying to sweet talk her into letting him into the house. She unnails one of the windows and pushes the dog outside before nailing the window again. She hears the dog attack Faber. Silence follows, then Faber throws the dead dog through a window. He attempts to climb in through the broken window, but Lucy uses the ax to cut off several of his fingers. She returns to the transmitter and again attempts to figure it out. She turns the dial to transmit and asks if anyone is listening. She switches it back to receive and a man responds. Lucy begins to cry.

Part 6, Chapter 36 Summary

Percy is waiting for information with Terry. A call comes in telling him that they have made contact with a woman on Storm Island, but she’s crying and won’t speak. They patch Percy into the radio transmission. Percy explains to Lucy how the transmitter works. Lucy tells him about the stranger who was shipwrecked on the island and how he killed her husband and Tom. Percy tells her help is coming, but they have to wait for the storm to pass. Percy also urges Lucy to destroy the transmitter. Percy then calls Bloggs to tell him what they know. Bloggs tells Percy the storm has ended, and they are about to take off. The naval ship also sends a landing party. On the U-boat, Wohl instructs the captain to surface, but the captain insists on waiting until the appointed time.

Part 6, Chapter 37 Summary

Faber throws a Molotov cocktail through a window downstairs. As Lucy focuses on putting out the fire, Faber climbs into the house through an upstairs window. Lucy rushes upstairs to find Faber holding Jo. She puts down the gun and Faber releases Jo. Percy calls Lucy over the transmitter and Faber responds. Lucy leaves the room, putting together what Percy told her and the contents of Faber’s pocket she saw the night before, realizing he must be a German spy. She knows she must stop him from using the transmitter. Lucy removes the lightbulb from the kitchen light and sticks her fingers into the socket, shorting out the electricity in the house.

Faber goes downstairs and finds Lucy unconscious on the floor. When she comes to, he confronts her, then spots the U-boat surfacing in the harbor. He runs out of the cottage. Lucy follows and sees him attempting to climb down the cliff. She digs up a large rock and throws it at him, causing him to lose his grip. He falls to the rocks below.

The naval landing party arrives as Bloggs’s plane lands on the water. Bloggs is taken to the cottage and sees the aftermath of Lucy’s fight with Faber. Lucy tells him everything that happened, and Bloggs is impressed with Lucy’s heroism. Bloggs goes upstairs and speaks to Percy on the transmitter, telling him that Faber is dead and did not contact the U-boat.

Part 6, Chapter 38 Summary

Hitler is told that Die Nadel was unable to make his rendezvous because British police were in the area looking for a smuggler. Instead, he sent a wireless message that confirms Patton’s FUSAG is assembling in East Anglia and will attack Calais on June 15. Hitler tells Admiral Puttkamer and asks him to inform Rommel and Rundstedt he will not be moving the panzer divisions to Normandy.

Epilogue Summary

In 1970, Jo and his family, a wife and two children, visit his parents. His father, Frederick Bloggs, is upset that Germany defeated England in the soccer quarterfinals of the World Cup. Bloggs tells his grandson, Davy, that he used to hunt Germans during the war. Bloggs says that they tricked the Germans by making them think they would attack in Calais, but they actually attacked Normandy. He says there was a spy who tried to warn the Germans, but Davy’s grandmother killed him before he could. Lucy comes out of the kitchen and chastises Bloggs for telling the story although Bloggs argues that she should be proud of what she did.

Part 6-Epilogue Analysis

As Percy and Bloggs gather the military and get ready to invade Storm Island, Lucy is alone with Faber after discovering David’s death. She now knows that she is alone on the island with a killer, and she must face her own version of War as a Test of Courage. Follet has explored the things that motivate Percy and Bloggs in earlier chapters, touching on Percy’s new relationship and Bloggs’s desire to get revenge for his wife’s death. Here, Follet places Lucy in a situation in which she must survive in order to protect her child. Jo’s presence makes Lucy more vulnerable because Faber can and does use Jo to control her, but it also makes her more determined to fight than she might have been on her own.

Lucy has revealed the strength in her character earlier in the novel in her determination to remain loyal to David despite the loneliness she feels with him. David’s death forces Lucy to fight for herself and her son on her own, relying on an even greater strength and courage than she knew she possessed.

Faber’s inability to kill Lucy leaves him vulnerable as well. Faber never hesitated to kill before, and always used the excuse that his victims as a justification for killing them. Lucy not only saw his face but is also aware of his role in both David and Tom’s deaths, therefore she is a bigger threat to him than any of his other victims. Yet, Faber’s decision to move away from his isolated life and to let Lucy in has created a connection between the two of them that causes him to make bad choices. First, Faber hesitates when David pulls the gun on him, and then he decides not to kill Lucy. These fateful decisions illustrate the ambivalence of Isolation and Community in Wartime. While Lucy, Bloggs, and Percy all draw strength from community—from their bonds with other people—Faber has learned to keep himself safe only by maintaining total isolation. For him, community is a source of weakness, not strength, and the choice to break his isolation is his undoing.

While Lucy proves herself strong in her decision to fight against Faber to keep Jo safe, her inexperience is revealed again when she shorts out the electricity in the house with her fingers rather than using a screwdriver. This moment inserts some amusement in a moment of high tension and sets her apart from the more conventional male heroes of this genre, for whom mechanical and electrical know-how is often a mark of masculine prowess (e.g., the ease with which Faber fixes the magistrate’s broken-down car).

Faber’s death as he climbs down a cliff is also ironic for three reasons. First, it is ironic in that his fall from the cliff mirrors the manner of David’s death. Second, it is ironic because he is only yards from escape as the U-boat is waiting in the harbor. Finally, it’s ironic because he dies climbing away from the same island he climbed up when he first arrived on Storm Island, twisting the island from a refuge for Faber to a death trap.

The thought of a female hero was introduced in earlier chapters in Bloggs’s reminiscence on his wife’s work as an ambulance driver. Therefore, it is not a surprise when not only is Lucy presented as a hero to Bloggs, but that he finds her acts of heroism attractive. To see that Bloggs and Lucy are married nearly 30 years later is a satisfying end to the novel, suggesting that Lucy and Jo have found happiness in a proper relationship after their struggle with David and their nightmare experience with Faber.