41 pages 1 hour read

Tobias Wolff

Old School

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2003

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Chapters 1-3Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 1 Summary: “Class Picture”

The novel opens at a New England prep school. It is November of 1960. The unnamed narrator describes his classmates’ affection for Kennedy and disdain for Nixon. As a younger man, Kennedy, it seems, would have been a member of their circle. However, says the narrator, “we wouldn’t have admitted that class played any part in our liking of Kennedy” (3). They believe that their school is not “snobbish” and that students earn their success, though there is a tacit understanding that “some of the boys might get a leg up from their famous names or great wealth” (3).

Their school is known for its literary culture. The headmaster has studied with Robert Frost, and Dean Makepeace is known to be a friend of Hemingway’s. The students also believe that Dean Makepeace was the inspiration for a character in The Sun Also Rises.

Each year, a few prominent writers visit their school. Prior to each visit, the school holds a writing contest in which students submit work that is judged by the author. The winner is granted a private audience with the author, and the winning story is published in the school paper. The contest is only open to sixth formers (students in their graduating year). The narrator has been jealous of past winners, often criticizing the awarded selections. The narrator acknowledges, “I want to be anointed” (7).

Robert Frost is scheduled to visit the school soon. The narrator contemplates the type of poem he must write to be chosen by Frost. He also considers his competition; there are three students he deems the strongest contenders. The first, George Kellogg, is the editor of the school’s literary magazine, Troubadour. The narrator lost the editorship to George by a single vote, but he does consider George to be a strong worker who has earned the job. George is also a strong poet with proficiency in writing formal verse.

In the narrator’s view, George will be disadvantaged in the contest because of his own kindness. Regarding George’s writing, the narrator remarks, “For all its fluent sympathy, it [is] toothless” (10). Still, the narrator notes, “If [George] just once let a strong feeling get the better of his manners, he might land a good one. He could win” (10).

The narrator discusses his second notable contender, Bill White. Bill is the narrator’s roommate. The narrator had assumed that Bill was gentile; however, when Bill’s father visited, it became clear that they were Jewish. The narrator believes Bill intentionally deceived him about his heritage, and this deceit makes him wonder if he really knows Bill. The narrator considers Bill to be a serious contender. Bill’s strength as a writer lies in his well-crafted imagery, built on “particularity” and “exactitude.”

Jeff Purcell is also a threat. He is widely known as Little Jeff because his cousin, Big Jeff Purcell, is in the same graduating class. However, the narrator simply calls him Purcell. During editorial meetings, Purcell is the harshest critic of submitted work. The narrator considers Purcell’s work to be “lurid and overwrought […] but venomously alive” (14).

The narrator, who is attending the prep school on scholarship, discusses the social dynamics of the student body. In a school full of rich kids, he comes from a working-class family.

During the summer before arriving at prep school, he worked as a dishwasher at a YMCA camp. There, he worked for a chef, Hartmut, who was from Austria. Hartmut often whistled tunes that would become stuck in the narrator’s head. Upon starting at the prep school, the narrator is whistling one of Hartmut’s tunes when a school handyman, Gershon, becomes upset and demands the narrator’s name. The narrator tells him.

Later that day, the narrator is sent to Dean Makepeace’s office. The dean tells him to explain himself. The narrator assumes that his subpar grades are the concern. However, it becomes apparent that he has been called to the office because of his interaction with Gershon. Dean Makepeace tells him to again whistle the song. The narrator still doesn’t understand the problem and the dean tells him not to play dumb. Soon it becomes clear to Dean Makepeace that the narrator didn’t know what he was whistling. Dean Makepeace informs him that it is a Nazi marching song and that Gershon is a Jewish Holocaust survivor. The narrator begins weeping and is comforted by Dean Makepeace. The dean tells him to go apologize to Gershon.

Gershon lives in the basement of one of the student dorms. He lets in the narrator, who starts explaining himself. Gershon is unresponsive to the explanation. The narrator considers telling him that his father is Jewish, though this part of his identity had always gone unacknowledged. Rather, the narrator was raised Catholic. The narrator decides against claiming Jewish heritage and, after a final apology, exits the room.

The narrator considers how all the school’s Jewish students, even those who are popular, must feel “an air of apartness” (24). He ponders how so many other, non-Jewish students must also feel apartness and wonders if this is why so many want to become writers, as writing gives them “a power not conferred by privilege—the power to create images of the system they stood apart from, and thereby to judge it” (24).

Chapter 2 Summary: “On Fire”

On the day before the Frost poems are due, there is a fire on campus. The school is especially cautious about fire prevention because, decades earlier, there was a blaze in a dorm that killed 13 boys. That fire was believed to have been started by a cigarette. As a result, smoking has been strictly banned on campus. Still, the narrator sometimes sneaks cigarettes. One day he is nearly caught, then decides to get rid of his cigarettes and never again smoke at school.

The narrator is struggling to write his Frost poem. He’s trying to write “an elegiac meditation over the body of an elk he’s killed after tracking it for days through the mountains” (32). He has trouble arranging the poem’s logistical details.

A crowd of students gathers around the old field house to watch firemen battle the blaze. The culprit is Big Jeff, whose experiment for Rocket Club crashed into the field house roof and set it on fire. The narrator discusses the blaze with Little Jeff Purcell, who expresses his wish that Big Jeff had been expelled. Purcell explains his frustration with Big Jeff’s constant presence in his life.

The narrator starts a new poem. It is inspired by one of the firemen, who seemed a bit distant during the blaze. The poem is about a heroic fireman who has rescued a little girl but returns home to his uninspiring domestic life, where his own son regards him with disdain. The narrator doesn’t enjoy drafting this poem because it reminds him too much of his own family. However, he submits it for the contest.

Chapter 3 Summary: “Frost”

On the day following Kennedy’s election victory, George wins the Frost prize. His poem, titled “First Frost,” is a dramatic monologue about an aging farmer who “feels the bite of mortality on the first cold day of autumn” (39).

Frost selects the poem, at least in part, because he considers it to be satire of his own poetry and wants to show that he can take the jab. George, however, is upset because he wrote the poem with seriousness, intending it as an homage. Purcell is critical of Frost’s selection of George’s poem. His respect for Frost’s intelligence has “suffered irreversible damage” (43). The narrator argues that the poem isn’t bad if you read it as satire. However, Purcell insists that this is irrelevant because the poem wasn’t written satirically. Purcell then criticizes Frost’s continued use of rhyme.

Frost arrives on campus. That night, he reads to the students in the chapel. In his introduction, the headmaster discusses how, as a boy, he was struck by Frost’s accurate descriptions of farm life. Frost ascends to the high pulpit. He gives introductory remarks and acknowledges George, who reluctantly stands. After reading several poems, Frost takes a few questions. Mr. Ramsey, a youthful English teacher from the U.K., asks Frost if formal poetry “is adequate to express the modern consciousness” (51). Frost prods him, asking for a definition of “modern consciousness.” Frost supplies a lengthy defense of formal verse. Without form, he argues, “You’ve got nothing but a stubbed-toe cry—sincere, maybe, for what that’s worth, but with no depth or carry. No echo. You may have a grievance but you do not have grief, and grievances are for petitions, not poetry” (53).

George, still upset by Frost’s assumption that his poem is parody, considers feigning illness instead of attending his meeting with Frost. The narrator insists that he go.

Frost doesn’t show up to the afterparty. News emerges that Ayn Rand will be the next visiting writer. The boys socialize with Mr. Ramsey’s beautiful wife—Mr. Ramsey didn’t come to the party because of an apparent touch of the flu.

The next day, George spends an hour with Frost, who doesn’t speak much about his winning poem. Frost advises him to quit school and start traveling.

Chapters 1-3 Analysis

The opening lines establish that the story is set in a time of significant political and cultural change. The country has just chosen Kennedy’s youthful progressivism over Nixon’s rigid conservatism. At the narrator’s prep school, the students are anxious to be free and make their mark on the world during a period of great social change.

Though the student body largely consists of rich kids, the headmaster has been accepting more scholarship students, such as the narrator. He is also pressuring the alumni association to remove the ban on black students. While the school still perpetuates long-standing racism and classism, it is beginning to shift its policies to better align with strengthening social movements. As such, the wealthy students are reluctant to flaunt their affluence. This permits the narrator, who comes from a working-class family, to more easily find social acceptance.

The school has a strong literary tradition, and along with his close friends, the narrator desires to be a successful writer. On campus, the greatest literary success is winning a contest in which an esteemed author selects a single work to be published in the school paper. This brings out the narrator’s competitive spirit; while he respects his friends, he also sees them as rivals. His dissection of his friends’ writerly strengths and weaknesses makes clear that he is a thoughtful and observant student who pays close attention to his surroundings. Though he’s imaginative, he’s not lost in his imagination.

In the encounter with Gershon, the narrator seems somewhat naïve and fragile. Dean Makepeace displays his humanity when he ultimately expresses sympathy for the narrator. Though the narrator has never identified as Jewish, he considers using a questionable family connection to broadcast himself as such, as he thinks his being Jewish could compel Gershon to react more favorably to the apology. This calls into question the narrator’s reliability. It seems he will portray himself in an inauthentic fashion if it will serve his needs. However, this also speaks to a greater theme in the novel: that the stories we tell about ourselves cannot align with an objective, all-encompassing truthfulness.

When the narrator struggles to draft a poem for the Frost contest, we get a greater glimpse into his familial background. His poem about the fireman unnerves him, foreshadowing later revelations about his difficult family situation.

George wins the Frost prize but is upset by the apparent reasoning for his victory. This illustrates the seriousness, and sensitivity, with which those in the narrator’s circle take their literary pursuits. While one might think a student would be thrilled at the prospect of a private audience with Robert Frost, George is disheartened by Frost’s misunderstanding of his work.

The narrator shows his competitive spirit when he suggests that, if George won’t meet with Frost, he might as well get the meeting instead.

At the reading’s afterparty, Mr. Ramsey’s absence displays his fragileness. The news of Ayn Rand’s impending visit portends the author’s manic consumption of her work.