47 pages 1 hour read

Joan Bauer

Stand Tall

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2005

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Chapters 8-14Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 8 Summary

One day at lunch, an eighth grader named Sophie confronts a group of girls who bully her. Without thinking, Tree invites her to sit with him and his friends. In their few minutes together, she talks nonstop and shares how she lives with her aunt, mom, cousin, six cats, and pet iguana named Lassie. Then, she abruptly demands that they fight for justice by getting better food in the cafeteria; Sophie shares her motto: “Speak your mind and ride a fast horse” (52). Tree admits that he does not have a motto and later asks his dad and grandfather if they do. Both say no, but Grandpa likes the POW saying, “[R]eturn with honor” (53). After listing mottos and remembering a time he was bullied, Tree settles on one about treating other people how he wishes to be treated.

In school, Sophie assumes that people say ridiculous things about Tree’s height and explains that they either have no clue or they want to make themselves feel better. Sophie tells him that he has presence, which Tree likes. Two popular girls walk up and ask Sophie if she fell off a garbage truck. Deflated, Sophie says no and walks away.