57 pages 1 hour read

Ben Jonson

The Alchemist

Fiction | Play | Adult | Published in 1610

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The Gullibility of the Greedy

The premise of The Alchemist is that people are easily deceived by the promise of wealth or the fulfillment of a fantasy. The business model that Face, Subtle, and Dol have constructed revolves around offering magical solution to the desires of their customers, most notably through the philosopher’s stone, which can grant immortality and turn all metals to gold. Jonson warns the audience that none of the materials or practices offered by Subtle is real; the trio’s foolish customers are relatable because they embody vulnerabilities that all people possess. All of us have unrealistic desires, and all of us could be deceived by the right prize. For example, for Mammon, the philosopher’s stone is an irresistible fantasy, while, for Dapper, the promise of good gambling luck is too good to doubt.

Not only do the play’s characters have unreasonable desire, but they also refuse to expend energy to get what they want. Demanding instead fantastical solutions, they leave themselves open to deception. For example, as Surly tries to convince Mammon that alchemy is not a valid practice, Mammon dismisses Surly as an unbeliever: “[H]e had no faith” (275). However, this kind of unexamined belief is exactly what the play mocks. One of the most repeated terms in the play is “cozened,” meaning tricked or deceived, and it is often used as a self-perpetuated practice, as in cozening oneself. What Mammon calls faith is actually self-delusion occasioned by outsized greed.

The only person who escapes self-cozening is Face; his efforts turn to be on behalf of his employer, so he is not in danger of being blinded by his own desires. In contrast, his co-conspirators Subtle and Dol fall victim to the belief that they have the upper hand against Face—a greed for one-upmanship we see when Subtle waxes poetic about the joy that tricking Surly would bring. While Subtle and Dol plan to take the goods, leaving none for Face, they are unaware that he has been playing them too: Their plan is undermined when Face calls Lovewit home and then puts on a big show of fear at Lovewit’s appearance, scaring Subtle and Dol off.

Jonson’s moral is not that it is wrong to trick people, but that it is wrong to be a dupe. When greedy fantasy overwhelms reason and logic, characters are open to influence from tricksters and deceivers like Face. The audience should remember that “even the doers may see, and yet not own” (246) fantasies like the philosopher’s stone, get-rich-quick schemes, Dapper’s familiar, or Kastril’s device to determine the outcomes of arguments. Portraying these fantasies in the theater is safe—but out in the world, they lead to ruin and humiliation.

The Play as Analogy for the Theater

The end of The Alchemist reveals an analogy between the actions of the play and the practice of attending the theater. Jonson compares the ways in which customers are tricked by Face to the manner in which the audience is deceived by the performance on the stage. Face is a salesman who draws marks to Subtle with broad promises of supernatural wonder; Subtle impresses them with his magic, but he gives no actual product or service. The customers pay him anyway, believing in the amazing promise of performance. This same pattern recurs in the theater, where advertising draws in a crowd, the actors use words to simulate events and ideas, and the only reward for the audience is fleeting entertainment. Face underscores this analogy in his closing lines, which address the audience directly: Now that he has made money, he intends to “feast you often, and invite new guests” (352). The “feast” is the play itself, while the offer to “invite new guests” is the word-of-mouth advertising that Jonson hopes to get for the play.

In fact, Jonson’s “To the Reader” preamble confirms that this is the premise of the play, noting that his contemporaries are facing a sea of trickery: “[T]hou wert never more fair in the way to be cozened, than in this age, in poetry, especially in plays” (241). Just as these “pretenders” to understanding are most easily taken in by “dances” and “antics” in the real world, so too does Jonson intend to cozen the “pretenders” in the audience—those who come to the play for entertainment and socialization, as opposed to legitimate appreciation of art. In the play, the foolish marks cannot see through the deceptions of Face and his gang; so too do undiscerning audience members fail to pierce the veil of the play’s deception to the “feast” it offers—the moral lesson undergirding the satire. Jonson has thus put the audience into a bind: Those who admit that they do not understand the lesson are publicly identifying themselves as the “pretenders” who cannot discern quality, as he also notes in his prefatory letter to Lady Wroth. The play ends with a promise that its actors are happy to trick the audience again with a performance at any time, but that audience members should only pay for entertainment that provides a higher value. While Jonson claims to be working for the improvement of individual morals, the analogous relationship between deception and performance also aims to improve the culture of the theater overall.

The Ability to Judge Quality

Many of The Alchemist’s characters are unable to properly judge the character of other people or the value of the deals they are offered. Most commonly misjudged is Face, whose disguises fool everyone and who, as Jeremy the butler, is perceived to be so honest and trustworthy that Lovewit’s neighbors assume they are hallucinating when what they see conflicts with his story. Even Subtle and Dol trust Face to keep to an honor-among-thieves philosophy, misjudging his skill at trickery.

Jonson makes the idea of “quality” a motif from the start. Discussing the concept of literary quality in his letter to Mary Wroth, his “To the Reader” preface, and his Prologue, Jonson cautions his audience to be careful when appraising. His characters’ mistakes are often linked to a misperception of a person or agreement.

Mammon’s many judgment errors lead to his many losses. Unable to see through Face’s disguise as Subtle’s servant Ulen, Mammon falls for Face’s performatively obsequious act—most likely because Mammon’s own servant Surly is a grouchy malcontent and Mammon is jealous. Building on this misimpression, Mammon trusts Face/Ulen to arrange a meeting with Dol, whom Mammon has misjudged to be a vulnerable noblewoman. Rather than discerning Dol Common’s lowborn roots, Mammon is so taken with the idea of a wealthy wife with a mental illness, whom he can control and dispossess, that he instead finds in Dol a resemblance to “Austriac Princes,” “The house of Valois,” and the Medici family (308). Mammon is so caught up in his flights of fancy about Dol that he falls right into Face’s trap—his lust means that Subtle can blame the fact that there is no philosopher’s stone on Mammon.

Conversely, Face and Lovewit are excellent judges of character. Lovewit, in fact, benefits from his skill in appraising Jeremy and seeing Face’s qualities behind that mask; his astute ability to read his servant well enough to “be ruled by thee in anything, Jeremy” (352) leaves Lovewit with new wealth and a new wife. Lovewit’s love of wit has allowed him to see Face’s trickster nature—insight that makes Lovewit the true winner of the play.

The Guilt of the Deceived

Typically, a satire ends on a moral lesson, with the villains punished for their crimes, and the victims rewarded. Jonson, though, reverses this pattern, punishing those who were tricked by his conmen, while rewarding his charlatans for their successful deceptions. Thus, falling for Face’s scams is deemed a greater sin than engaging in swindles. At the end of the play, Dapper, Drugger, Mammon, and the Anabaptists—all of whom have allowed themselves to be gulled by Face and Subtle’s obviously ridiculous promises—are all cheated of their money and humiliated. Surly, who attempts the same kind of deception that Face practices with poor results, is berated and cheated out of his potential marriage to Pliant. Finally, Dol and Subtle, who believe in Face’s loyalty to them, must be contented with getting away without arrest, but also without their stolen goods. The play thus centers what the deceived do wrong, blaming them for their comeuppance.

Mammon and Surly’s attempts to retrieve Mammon’s good from Lovewit demonstrate why the play condemns gullibility. Lovewit will only return the goods if Mammon sues him. However, to file a lawsuit, Mammon will have to admit that either the trio duped him or that he deluded himself—“that you were gulled of them” or “That you did cozen yourself” (349). By thus equating being a mark with believing in pipe dreams, Lovewit underscores Jonson’s point—people who fall for ridiculous over-promises have mostly their own greed to blame. Mammon’s pride cannot allow him to admit his foolishness publicly—he’d “rather lose” his goods than “my honor” (349). The play confirms that Mammon should be ashamed for his flights of fancy when Lovewit laughs at Mammon’s plan to use the philosopher’s stone—another layer of foolishness.

Likewise, when Surly finds out that Pliant has married Lovewit, he blames his loss on his forthrightness: “Must I needs cheat myself, / With that same foolish vice of honesty!” (350). However, Surly hasn’t actually been particularly honest in the play. In his attempt to get Face arrested for running a brothel, Surly pretended to be a Spanish noble looking for a sex worker and got chased from the house because he failed to take into account English antipathy toward Spain at this time. Surly is punished because his dishonesty cannot match that of Face. Jonson is giving a clear indication through these characters that one cannot be honest with a deceiver or deceive the deceiver; instead, one should be like Lovewit—a connoisseur of cleverness and an opportunistic bystander, like a model audience.