77 pages 2 hours read

Kwame Alexander

The Crossover

Fiction | Novel/Book in Verse | Middle Grade | Published in 2014

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Part 3Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 3: “Second Quarter”

Part 3, Poems 1-3 Summary

In “Conversation,” Josh attempts to have a conversation with JB to let him know he played well at the rec center, but JB is too busy swooning over Miss Sweet Tea to chat with his brother. Josh then has a conversation with his dad, soliciting his help with JB. His dad says that if JB is in love with the girl, there’s not much Josh can do.

“Basketball Rule #5” states that “When / you stop / playing / your game / you’ve already / lost” (93), implying that Josh may have indeed lost his brother to Miss Sweet Tea. Compounding on this, Josh worries JB will lose his connection to basketball because of her.

In “Showoff,” JB shows off his basketball skills to impress his girlfriend. Josh does not approve.

Part 3, Poems 4-10 Summary

Since their mom does not attend the game, Josh and JB’s dad is free to yell at the ref as much as he pleases in “Out of Control.”

In “Mom calls me into the kitchen,” Josh’s mom discusses the family’s medical history and explains that is why they will all be eating better from now on. Instead of mac and cheese for his victory dinner, Josh receives hummus with pita bread, and his mother implores him not to let their father take them to Pollard’s or Krispy Kreme after the rec center anymore.