68 pages 2 hours read

Liv Constantine

The Next Mrs. Parrish

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2024

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Symbols & Motifs

Jackson’s Diamonds

Jackson’s diamonds symbolize the greed and deception of the characters who succumb to their allure, as well as foreshadowing the ultimate downfall of Jackson and Amber alike. Because the diamonds are initially hidden away on Jackson's boat, they represent the secretive and manipulative nature of his character, for in this context, his hidden wealth becomes a means of control and coercion. Likewise, Amber’s decision to steal these diamonds signifies her own escalating desperation and greed and reflects her willingness to cross moral boundaries in pursuit of wealth and status.

However, as the novel progresses, the diamonds become a catalyst for the unraveling of Amber’s carefully constructed life. For example, her initial attempt to sell the diamonds backfires, and they eventually become a key piece of evidence that links her to the criminal activities that she has worked so hard to hide. The stolen diamonds therefore expose Amber's vulnerabilities and mark the beginning of her loss of control. What she initially sees as a victory—a way to secure her future—turns into the very thing that thwarts her ambitions. Ultimately, the diamonds symbolize the destructive power of greed and the consequences of living a life built on deception, and both Jackson and Amber are brought down by the very object they believed would secure their dominance.

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By Liv Constantine