66 pages 2 hours read

M. L. Wang

The Sword of Kaigen

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2019

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Chapters 27-31Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 27 Summary: “The Duel”

Misaki waits in the snow near the pyre as Takeru approaches. He pauses when he sees her. She says that she has issued a challenge for a duel, and because he has arrived, that must mean that he accepts. Takeru glances at the letter in his hand, only then realizing that she is the one who wrote it. He claims that the letter is not a valid challenge because he cannot fight a woman and because she is his wife. Misaki shouts that she never wanted to marry him and only did so on her father’s orders because Takeru was supposed to be a powerful theonite who could protect her family.

Takeru orders her to withdraw, but she refuses, declaring that he has lost the right to demand her obedience. She insists that he accept her challenge or forfeit his life, as is tradition. Takeru reads aloud from her letter, in which she blames him for his son and his brother’s deaths and accuses him of being a coward who is incapable of standing up to authority. The letter also says that he has done nothing but hide since the attack and is unfit to lead their people.

Takeru puts down his sword and kneels, pleading guilty to every accusation.